The Council is delighted to announce the appointment of four new members from March 2013:

Professor Peter Furness

Peter Furness

Peter Furness is a consultant pathologist and honorary professor of renal pathology in Leicester. He established and was the foundation Chair of Leicestershire’s clinical ethics committee and served on its research ethics committee. He was extensively involved in the debates leading up to the passage of the Human Tissue Act 2004. He was President of the Royal College of Pathologists from 2008 to 2011 and vice-Chair of the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges from 2009 to 2011.

Professor Erica Haimes


Erica Haimes is Professor of Sociology at Newcastle University and Founding Executive Director of the PEALS (Policy, Ethics and Life Sciences) Research Centre (1998-2008) where she is currently Professorial Fellow. She works at the interface of sociology and bioethics to investigate the ethical, cultural, economic and political challenges of developments in the life sciences. She has a been a member of several national and international ethics advisory bodies.

Professor Julian Hughes


Julian Hughes is a consultant in Psychiatry of Old Age in Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust and an honorary professor of philosophy of ageing at the Institute for Ageing and Health, Newcastle University. His writings and research focus on philosophical and ethical issues raised in connection with ageing and dementia. He was on the Council’s working party on dementia, which reported in 2009.

Sir Roland Jackson

Roland Jackson

Roland Jackson is Executive Chair of Sciencewise and Chair of the Bioscience for Society Strategy Panel for the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC). He has a particular interest in science policy and in public involvement with research.

View the complete list of Council Members.