Council launches new blog
You can now read and comment on news, stories and opinions shared by our Chair of Council, the Secretariat, Council members and others on the new Nuffield Council of Bioethics blog. Our ‘bloggers’ will share their insights on a wide range of bioethical issues, including but not limited to those covered in the Council’s current and previous projects.
“We set out to facilitate as well as inform public debate in the belief that openness and transparent debates will more often lead to high quality reasons for opinion and action” said Professor Jonathan Montgomery in his first post ‘Reason, rigour and rationality: supporting healthy public debate’. Other topics explored on the blog so far include organ donation policy from a European perspective, the role and impact of the media on organ donation, and a new EC proposal on biofuels.
To keep up to date with our blog, you can subscribe to receive email alerts when a new post is published, or you can follow us on Twitter or like us on Facebook.
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“We set out to facilitate as well as inform public debate in the belief that openness and transparent debates will more often lead to high quality reasons for opinion and action” said Professor Jonathan Montgomery in his first post ‘Reason, rigour and rationality: supporting healthy public debate’. Other topics explored on the blog so far include organ donation policy from a European perspective, the role and impact of the media on organ donation, and a new EC proposal on biofuels.
To keep up to date with our blog, you can subscribe to receive email alerts when a new post is published, or you can follow us on Twitter or like us on Facebook.
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